Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Andrea DonoghueAndrea

Melinda Shroeder
English 101
Persuasive Essay Outline 1 of 2
Who Contributes More to Society? Teachers, or Doctors?
    Have you ever had stitches? Been given a prescription for antibiotics? A major surgery? Even just a routine check-up? Maybe even a sports physical? The point is, just about everyone has been to a doctor at some point. Without them, how would we know if we’re healthy or if there’s something wrong? Who would fix us when we’re broken? Doctors take care of the general public and do a great service to the world. Keeping us alive.
     But how do we get our doctors? Who trains them, shows them the way so that they don’t kill all their patients? Without teachers, would we even have doctors? Where would anyone be if no one showed us what we needed to do? In school, we rely on our teachers to show us how to make it in life, give us what we need to make good choices in the real world. Without teachers, how would we learn anything?
    Who truly contributes more to society? Does one or the other really do more for the world? Think about this; doctors save people’s lives. They find new ways every day to combat the injuries and diseases we sustain more often than anyone would like. But who gives them the knowledge to do these things?
  From an early age, we are sent to school. Our teachers show us everything we know from how to read and write to learning how to become what we want for our lives. “Each profession occupies a specific niche in society — doctors heal, engineers design and bankers handle our money. Teaching, however, stands out as a subsumptive entity.” (Indian Express, New Delhi) Without teachers, we would have nothing else. Even after high school, when we choose a life career, it is teachers that show us how to do that.
    That’s not to say that doctors aren’t a huge part of our society, because they are. We rely on doctors to help us when we’re sick, or to fix us when we’re broken. Without them many of us would die from things that we don’t think twice about because we know that we can get help.
    Over all, the point is, neither profession is more important than the other. Each one is important in a different way. Sometimes we may not notice that they’re there, but we would notice if they weren’t. We rely on both for different reasons and it would be unfair to say that one is more important than the other.

I commented on Jordan and Shelby
Andrea Donoghue
Melinda Shroeder
English 101
Persuasive Essay Outline 2 of 2
Should There be Stricter Rules About How Coaches Treat Their Players?
    When it comes to sports, not everyone is naturally gifted. Some people have to work harder to get better at basketball or volleyball or track. Some people don’t try, don’t care. Others just don’t seem to have what it takes. But is that really the case, or do these people just need a little extra coaching? Where does the line between readying the varsity for state, and being unfair to the other players become blurry?
    Should coaches be allowed to decide who is worth coaching and who is not? In a large school, you have tryouts, but at a small school, anyone can play. You have the Varsity and sometimes the JV. When there is no JV, there’s those few players “second string” sometimes called that play at the end of games that go well. In a league game, only varsity is supposed to play. But does that mean that they are the only ones who should be coached?
  The question here would be; at what point does having certain kids on the sidelines during practice become okay? Anyone who has been on a sports team that does not have a JV knows that not every player gets to play in every game. Bu that just comes with being on a team. You need to work your way up and contribute what you can to your team. But how can a coach build a strong team, if he/she only coaches a select few? “...When I thought I did something right he thought it was wrong, and when I tried to work hard and gain his approval it was never good enough…” (anonymous 16 year old football player) this is an example of coaches being unfair on their players. There should be standards that coaches are held to. He/she should be trying to help every player willing to learn.
    This is not to say that there should be ‘one way or the highway’, there should be room for creativity, and technique. No one should be benched because the coach doesn’t want to take the time to teach, or is just plain bullying one or more players.  
    When it comes down to it, I strongly believe that every athlete should be given an equal chance to excel if they have the will and the patience to learn. Coaches should be held to higher standards as far as who ‘deserves’ coaching. Everyone should be given a fair chance.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Andrea Donoghue
Melinda Shroeder
English 101
Compare and Contrast
The purpose of my paper is to show that Biology and Chemistry are intertwined and you can’t have one without the other. I chose to do this subject because I enjoy science. It is my favorite subject in school and I feel like I can learn more by researching this topic.
I commented on Emma and Shelby