Friday, October 7, 2016

Andrea Donoghue
Melinda Schroeder
English 101
Favorite Place Free Write
What makes a place great? Is it the place itself? Or something else? The people? The sights? What is there that makes it worth going to? For me it’s usually the people associated with the place. Without the people, what is there that could make somewhere so special? There’s gotta be something in the place that makes it worth going to. A place without people to make it special is just empty. Why would you go to an empty place?
   One of my favorite places, I go to after school. Not every day, but often enough. It gives me something to look forward to after brain-frying math. I go twice a week, every three days if you include the weekend. If I could go every day, I would. But it’s still the best part of the week.
  Being there is often the highlight of my week, since not much goes on around here. There’s often more than just one person to hang out with, and both people make the place worth going to. Without the people there, this place would not be as special.  
  I could go anywhere with anyone, and have a great time. If you had told me four years ago that this is somewhere I would be looking forward to going every week, I would have said you were crazy. It’s not something I would have expected for myself, but now I wouldn’t change a thing.
  I can get a lot done in a half hour, but I have to be careful not to do something stupid like stapling my finger (learned that the hard way). The things I do there might not seem like much fun, making posters to hang on the walls, or testing experiments, but I actually like it. So much better than math.
  Posters like Dory with “Just keep swimming” or a funny monster that kind of looks like Spongebob. There are serious ones too, like a dihybrid cross. But personally, I like the funny ones. The only thing, is that when I hang them up, I have to be careful not  to fall off a stool. I haven’t made that mistake (yet).
  A couple times before school started, I got to spend the whole day there. Every time I’m there, there’s something to do. There’s never a dull moment (usually). The best part is that there’s no math! Just kidding, even though that’s great, the best part is that I’m with people I truly enjoy spending time with. It’s time I wouldn’t give up for the world.


  1. Apparently, you dislike math. :) Where is this place? Is it the library?

    1. I cannot say the place online for privacy reasons :)
